Every year Chimp's Comix and the Salvation Army of Warsaw team up to help out our community. Every person who comes in will receive 2 FREE comic books from the current selection. To receive more than 2 FREE comics, we ask that you donate a non-perishable food item for the local Salvation Army. So if you want 30 of the FREE comics, you would need to bring in 28 non-perishable food items (2 plus the 28 items). We ask that no duplicates be taken. Limit 1 copy of each per person. We will update our Facebook Events page with information on the free comics this year (or you can click the banner above to be taken to the official website). We always have a HUGE SALE as well so stay tuned!!! 2021's DATE IS CURRENTLY AUGUST 14, 2021. PLEASE FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR UPDATES. THIS DATE HAD TO CHANCE DUE TO COVID RESTRICTIONS WORLDWIDE.